• Raghavendra Nagar, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
  • Mon - Sat 10:00am-02:00pm & 6:00pm-8:30pm

Plantar fasciitis (heel pain)

There are multiple causes for heel pain but today, we are discussing in detail about one of the most common causes, i.e., plantar fasciitis. plantar fascia is a thick band of fibrous tissue, an attachment, that runs from the heel to the ball of the foot and to the toes. It acts as a shock absorber and supports the arch of your foot. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia in your foot. 


The most common complaint is pain and stiffness at the bottom of the heel that is worse in the morning right after waking up and improves with activity. The pain can be present in one or both the feet.

The pain can also be triggered by prolonged standing. It is a dull, constant ache or of a sharp stabbing type, temporarily relieved with activity but worsening after.

Causes or risk factors include:

  1. Activities that include standing for long periods.
  2. Exercising on a hard surface like walking on a treadmill.
  3. Anatomy of the foot (flat foot).
  4. Increased activity or new activities.
  5. Type of footwear you are wearing.
  6. Repeated stretching or tearing of plantar fascia leading to inflammation.

Despite all these factors, the cause remains unclear in most of the cases.


Your doctor will ask you for your symptoms and perform a physical examination of your feet. An x-ray might be suggested to rule out any other causes like fractures.


  • You will be advised to change your shoes to something more comfortable.
  • Rest for about a week.
  • Applying cold compresses several times a day may help with the inflammation. For some, hot water will do the trick.
  • Wearing leg splints at night.
  • Stretching exercises.
  • Most of the times, plantar fasciitis can be kept under control by using some over-the-counter pain relievers prescribed by your doctor. The pain sometimes even disappears on its own without requiring any treatment. Surgery is seldom required.

Consult with us if you are experiencing heel pain due to any cause.


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