• Raghavendra Nagar, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
  • Mon - Sat 10:00am-02:00pm & 6:00pm-8:30pm

Common Spine Problems

Spine problems are quite common and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and disability. Here are some of the most common spine problems:

1. Herniated Disc

  • Description: Occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior casing.
  • Symptoms: Pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg.
  • Causes: Age-related wear and tear, lifting heavy objects incorrectly, sudden movements.

2. Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Description: The discs between the vertebrae of the spine break down over time, leading to pain.
  • Symptoms: Chronic back pain, pain radiating to the extremities.
  • Causes: Aging, repetitive stress on the spine, injury.

3. Spinal Stenosis

  • Description: Narrowing of the spaces within the spine, which can put pressure on the nerves.
  • Symptoms: Pain, numbness, muscle weakness, problems with bladder or bowel function.
  • Causes: Osteoarthritis, thickened ligaments, tumors, spinal injuries.

4. Spondylolisthesis

  • Description: One of the vertebrae slips out of place onto the vertebra below it.
  • Symptoms: Lower back pain, stiffness, tight hamstrings.
  • Causes: Stress fractures, congenital disabilities, degeneration.

5. Sciatica

  • Description: Pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs down one or both legs from the lower back.
  • Symptoms: Lower back pain, pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting, hip pain.
  • Causes: Herniated disc, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome.

6. Scoliosis

  • Description: A sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty.
  • Symptoms: Uneven shoulders, one shoulder blade more prominent than the other, uneven waist.
  • Causes: Idiopathic (unknown in most cases), congenital, neuromuscular conditions.

7. Kyphosis

  • Description: An excessive outward curve of the spine, resulting in an abnormal rounding of the upper back.
  • Symptoms: Back pain, stiffness, rounded shoulders.
  • Causes: Osteoporosis, disk degeneration, Scheuermann’s disease, birth defects.

8. Osteoarthritis of the Spine

  • Description: Degenerative joint disease that affects the spine.
  • Symptoms: Pain and stiffness in the neck or lower back, pain that radiates to the arms or legs.
  • Causes: Aging, wear and tear on the joints, previous injury.

9. Ankylosing Spondylitis

  • Description: An inflammatory disease that can cause some of the vertebrae in the spine to fuse.
  • Symptoms: Chronic pain and stiffness in the back and hips, reduced flexibility.
  • Causes: Genetic factors, autoimmune response.

10. Osteoporosis

  • Description: A condition in which bones become weak and brittle.
  • Symptoms: Back pain, caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra, loss of height over time.
  • Causes: Aging, hormonal changes, deficiency in calcium or vitamin D.

Prevention and Management

  • Regular Exercise: Strengthening core muscles, improving flexibility.
  • Healthy Diet: Ensuring adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Good Posture: Maintaining proper alignment when sitting and standing.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight to reduce stress on the spine.
  • Proper Lifting Techniques: Using the legs rather than the back to lift heavy objects.

If you’re experiencing persistent back or neck pain, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.



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