• Raghavendra Nagar, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
  • Mon - Sat 10:00am-02:00pm & 6:00pm-8:30pm

Osteoporosis Pain Treatment

Osteoporosis Pain Treatment

Osteoporosis Pain Treatment in Hyderabad

Osteoporosis is a medical condition characterized by the fragility and brittleness of bones, resulting in an increased susceptibility to fractures. It is a prevalent condition in Australia, affecting over 1 million Australians.

Bones are living tissues composed of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The body continuously remodels and replenishes bones to maintain their strength. However, in osteoporosis, the breakdown of bone occurs at a faster rate than the formation of new bone. As a consequence, while the size of the bones remains unchanged, there is a loss in bone mineral density, making them more porous and prone to fractures. The lower the bone mineral density, the higher the risk of experiencing fractures.

Osteoporosis - Symptoms

Osteoporosis often goes unnoticed until a bone fracture occurs, serving as the initial indication for many individuals. However, certain individuals may experience earlier signs and symptoms, including back pain, a stooped posture, and a loss of height.

Among the fractures associated with osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures in the spine are the most common. These fractures can lead to an alteration in the spine’s normal curvature and result in a forward hunching appearance of the back. This development can occur gradually, often without immediate notice. If an individual has experienced a loss of more than 3 cm in height, it may suggest undiagnosed vertebral fractures.

Osteoporosis Treatment

Medication and Pharmacotherapy:
For the management of osteopenia and early-stage osteoporosis, oral medications are typically prescribed as the primary treatment approach. The most commonly used medications in this category are bisphosphonates, which include Alendronate, Risedronate, and Ibandronate.

Intravenous Infusions of Zoledronic Acid:
In cases of more severe osteoporosis, a more immediate intervention may be necessary. In such situations, intravenous infusions of medications like Zoledronic Acid are administered to address the condition effectively.

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