• Raghavendra Nagar, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
  • Mon - Sat 10:00am-02:00pm & 6:00pm-8:30pm

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment in Hyderabad

If you’re currently experiencing back pain, rest assured that you are not alone. Back pain affects a significant number of individuals in India, with nearly seven out of 10 people encountering it at some point in their lives. In fact, it is the second most common reason, following upper respiratory infections, for seeking medical attention.

Your spine serves as a vital pathway for sensations and movement throughout your body. The various components of your back and spine, including nerves, muscles, ligaments, bones, and cartilage, are susceptible to injury and disease. While there are diverse conditions that can lead to back pain, the following are commonly involved:

Sciatica: This condition is characterized by pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. It typically originates in the back and extends down through the buttocks to the thigh, predominantly affecting one side of the body.

Lower Back Pain: The pain can manifest suddenly as a sharp sensation or persist as a constant, enduring ache. Acute low back pain typically lasts from a few days to a month, while subacute pain persists for four to 12 weeks. Chronic pain, lasting over three months, develops in approximately one in five cases of acute pain.

Upper Back Pain: Although less prevalent than lower back pain, upper back pain can be equally distressing. The discomfort primarily focuses on the shoulders and neck region.

Middle Back Pain: This type of pain is centered around issues with the thoracic spine. Mid-back pain may serve as an indication of underlying conditions of a potentially more serious nature.

If you are experiencing any form of back pain, it is advisable to seek professional medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Back Pain Symptoms :

  • Lingering muscle aches
  • Sudden stabbing sensations
  • An agonizing burn down your leg
  • Numbness and tingling down your leg
  • Pain that subsides while laying down
  • Pain that’s aggravated by lifting, leaning or standing for extended periods

Back Pain Causes :

  • Herniated disc. The discs that cushion and separate your vertebral bones have a tough outer layer with a soft center. When these discs rupture, either through damage or aging, the soft core leaks out of the casing. A herniated disc creates a pinched nerve that causes discomfort.
  • Back injury.  Accidents, falls, overexertion and athletic strains are among the most common types of injuries to the back.
  • Spinal stenosis.  The spinal canal shrinks, compressing your spinal column.
  • Osteoarthritis.  The spine develops bone spurs and loses stability.
  • Soft tissue strain.  Repetitive movements at work or play — or a sudden exertion that leads to a pulled back — can strain or damage spinal ligaments or back muscles.
  • Scoliosis.  A congenital malformation of the spine, this condition leads to back pain later in life.
  • Osteoporosis.  This degeneration and weakening of your bones can eventually lead to spinal compression fractures.
  • Post-laminectomy syndrome.  Failed back surgery can lead to continued or even heightened back pain.
  • Spondylolisthesis.  This condition refers to the slipping of your vertebrae.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome.  Often a chronic condition, this muscle tightness responds well to physical therapy.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.  Damage to the joint connecting your pelvis and spine is a leading cause of lower back pain.

Treatment of Back Pain :

  • Spinal Injections
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Radiofrequency Ablation
  • Ozone Discectomy (Ozonucleolysis)
  • Endoscopic Discectomy

Fonixen spine & pain are specialized in providing complete solution to back pain, lower back pain, sciatica pain etc.

At Freedom from Pain , we provide the best and latest non- surgical interventions to treat back pain :

  • Ozone Discectomy (Ozonucleolysis)
  • Percutaneous Hydrocision Discectomy
  • Root Sleeve Epidural Injections/Transforaminal injections
  • Cervical Epidural Injections
  • Facet Blocks
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation
  • Radiofrequency Lesioning
  • Endoscopic Discectomy
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